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Cloud Machine Learning Associate Training by Cloud Enabled Pte Ltd in Singapore and India
This is a 5 day most powerful and unique course on Machine learning course covering 360 degree aspects of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for intermediate level knowledge . It covers Machine Learning foundation for first 2 day program on understanding concepts on ML and AI with hands-on labs sessions . where you learn Train your own model with ML tools. The next 3 days you spend on AWS, Azure and Google cloud Machine learning and AI solutions for one day each respectively with concepts and hands-on labs .( to learn Trained models).
Module 1 : Demystify Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Module 2 : Use Cases
Module 3 : ML- Prerequisites Refreshers
Module 4 : Hands on lab Sessions on Machine Learning and AI
Module 1 : Introduction to ML and AI tools from AWS
AWS Sagemaker - Overview and features
AWS Textract - overview and Features
AWS Translate - Overview and Features
AWS Transcribe - overview and features
AWS Rekognition - Overview and features I
Amazon Comprehend - NLP
AWS Polly - Overview and features
Module 1: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning
Module 2 : Building Azure machine learning models with ML Studio
Module 3 : Publish Predictive models as Azure Machine Learning services
Module 4: Building Azure Machine Learning Models with Azure ML Services
Module 1 : Google Machine Learning AI Solutions Overview
Vision AI : Overview and Concepts
Video AI: Overview and Features
AI Platform Notebooks: Overview and Features
AI Platform Deep Learning VM Image :Overview and Features
Kubeflow: Overview and Features
Cloud TPU : Overview and Features
Natural Language : Overview and Features
Translation : Overview and Features
Cloud Speech-to-Text API : Overview and Features
Cloud Text-to-Speech API : Overview and Features
Dialogflow : Overview and Features
AutoML Tables : Overview and Features
Cloud Inference API : Overview and Features
Recommendations AI (beta) : Overview and Features
BigQuery ML : Overview and Features
Cloud AutoML : Overview and Features
Module 2 : Google cloud Machine Learning Labs
Lab1 : Implementing an AI Chatbot with Google Dialogflow
The goal of this lab is to introduce the basics of Google Cloud Dialogflow by building a responsive chat bot, such as those handling support requests on websites. Demonstrates how to utilize this interactive AI in application development.
Lab 2 : Detect Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API
The Cloud Vision API lets you understand the content of an image by encapsulating powerful machine learning models in a simple REST API. In this lab you’ll send an image to the Cloud Vision API and have it identify objects, faces, and landmarks.
Lab 3: Google Cloud - Deploy Jupyter notebook instance with GPU and run sample pandas or classification example program
Lab 4 : User vision API to identify text from image sign board (OCR) which is in chinese language and translate the text to english using Google Translate api.
Cloud Enabled Pvt Ltd is your trusted partner in advancing your skills. We offer comprehensive training in Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Machine Learning, designed to propel your career.