- +65 8931 8934
- hello@cloudenabled.sg
- India, Singapore
Chief Consultant
DevOps advanced training by Cloud Enabled Pte Ltd .Jenkins, Sonaqube, nexus and CI/CD , docker, Kubernetes and ansible training .
The course is designed by Devops Subject Matter Experts to help you understand Devops concepts and work on tools, Github, Jenkins, Sonarqube and Nexus , Docker to create Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Pipeline which uses jenkins, with sonarqube, nexus , docker, kubernetes and ansible
Module 1: Devops Big Picture ( Theory)
Module 2: Devops in Action ( Hands on Lab by students)
SCM Live demo
Continuous Integration Tool – ( Hands on Lab by students)
Code Packaging automation – ( Hands on Lab by students)
Static Code Analysis – ( Hands on Lab by students)
Storage Artifact – ( Hands on Lab by students)
Continuous Deployment – ( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 1 : Course Overview
Module 2 : Understanding Docker
Module 3 : Installing Docker on Linux
Module 4 : Containers On Ubuntu Docker host
Module 5 : Docker Images
Module 6 : Docker Volumes
Module 1: Ansible Big Picture ( Theory)
Module 2: Ansible management server deployment ( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 2: Ansible Node server deployment ( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 3: Ansible HTTPD Playbook for RHEL node( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 4: Ansible Apache2 Playbook for ubuntu node( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 5 : Ansible Windows 2016 server node deployment ( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 6: Playbook for windows 2016 node ( Hands on Lab by students)
Module 1 : Kuberentes ( Hands on lab by students)
Module 2 : Jenkins with Kuberentes Integration ( Hands on lab by students)
Module 3 : Jenkins with ansible integration ( Hands on lab by students)
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